ITB Berlin Trendcast with Rohit Talwar from FastFuture
Our moderator Charlotte Lamp Davies of A Bright Approach had the privilege of hosting Rohit Talwar, the CEO and founder of FastFuture, as our guest on the ITB Berlin Travel Hero podcast. Rohit is set to open the Diversity and Inclusion Track at the upcoming convention, where he'll delve into the pivotal global shifts that could significantly impact diversity and inclusivity within the travel sector in the coming years.
In the podcast Rohit shares with us his unique perspective on how technology can play a crucial role in addressing inclusivity issues within the travel industry.
Additionally, we discuss the essential leadership capabilities needed to guide the sector through escalating uncertainty and rapid change worldwide. Be sure to catch Rohit's keynote on Tuesday, March 5th, at 10:30 am on the green stage in hall 3.1, this podcast is barely a fraction of what he will touch upon in his much-awaited keynote.