In this episode of ITB's Travel Hero podcast, we are excited to welcome Bonita Grupp, Managing Director of TRIGEMA, for a 300-second conversation with podcast host Madlen Schwing from the Chair of Tourism at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Following an interesting introduction to Bonita's background and career path, the podcast delves into the unique challenges faced by TRIGEMA, the sole remaining textile manufacturer in Germany, and how it navigates these challenges in a difficult environment. With 1,200 employees from 40 nationalities at TRIGEMA, Bonita shares valuable insights into managing diversity. Additionally, she reflects on the key challenges in leadership and explains how to deal with them, which are relevant not only to TRIGEMA but also to the tourism industry. This podcast episode offers a sneak peek into the Future Work Track of the ITB Berlin Convention at the green stage in hall 3.1, where Bonita will deliver a keynote speech and participate in a panel titled 'Leading the Change: Corporate Culture in the Future Workforce’ on March 7th. With tourism industry leaders, she will explore how to foster a positive corporate culture that adapts to evolving demands.