Travel Hero Podcast

Travel Hero Podcast

Deep Dive: Navigating LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Hospitality

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Join us as we talk with Philip Ibrahim, General Manager of The Social Hub in Berlin, about the challenges and opportunities in catering to LGBTQ+ travelers. Learn about successful examples, cultural sensitivity, key partnerships, and future trends in LGBTQ+ hospitality.
Tune in now to stay ahead and support inclusivity in the industry!
#ITBBerlin #TravelHeroPodcast #LGBTQTravel #Hospitality


by Miquita Sato on
One of my close friends living in Tokyo is gay. He used to go to some gay areas in Tokyo. He looked for night area and boutiques for gay in Barcelona, when he came to attend to my wedding banquet in Spain. Nowadays it might be easier to find that kind of information via SNS than before. If somebody of LGBTQ people would like to have any information in Japan for traveling more enjoyable and comfortable, I would like to provide them. However, frankly I'm not sore what kind of information or services they need. I would like to develop LGBTQ friendly cultural tour in Japan with supporting from my LGBTQ friends in Japan.

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About this podcast

The tourism industry is full of big achievers and thrilling personalities, real travel heroes! The Travel Hero Podcast by ITB is a series of intimate talks with inspriring minds of the tourism industry about their lives, lessons learned, career tips and deep dive episodes on current trends moving the travel industry.
Happy listening!

by ITB


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