Travel Hero Podcast

Travel Hero Podcast

300 seconds with Cory Elford | MPI (Meeting Professionals International | All eyes on MICE Travel

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In this episode, Cory Elford, Director of Marketing at MPI (Meeting Professionals International), joins host Lea Jordan and shares some background on MPI’s purpose and mission, her takes on the top 3 trends shaping the events and meeting industry, some best practice examples on how MPI leverages technology, and a personal tip on how to keep on top of trends. Cory Elford is a standout marketing strategist most known for applying her fresh and innovative advertising expertise to the evolving landscape of meetings and events. Make sure to join Cory’s keynote, ‘The Engagement Equation,’ at the ITB Berlin Convention’s MICE Track on March 05th at 2:30 pm CET in Hall 3.1.


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About this podcast

The tourism industry is full of big achievers and thrilling personalities, real travel heroes! The Travel Hero Podcast by ITB is a series of intimate talks with inspriring minds of the tourism industry about their lives, lessons learned, career tips and deep dive episodes on current trends moving the travel industry.
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by ITB


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