Travel Hero Podcast

Travel Hero Podcast

Let's Talk: Green IT | Virginie Corraze, Amadeus & Rika Jean-Francois, ITB Berlin

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As we all know by now, in order to combat climate change each and every person must reduce their carbon footprint. One approach is to drive forward digitalisation. However, what initially may seem to be “green“ could in itself be the cause of huge greenhouse gas emissions. This is where green IT wants to promote greater sustainability – with both hardware and software. Amadeus’ membership to the Green Software Foundation (GSF) aligns with their broader commitment to create a more responsible and sustainable travel industry. Learn more about Amadeus' approach and understanding of Green IT in this podcast episode.

Let's Talk: Tourism & TikTok - how city marketing is using the fastest growing social app to reach Gen Z audiences

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TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2020. What started as a lip syncing and dancing app, has now grown into a serious platform for information, debate and discussion. Especially for the one target group everyone, both media houses and companies worldwide, want to reach: Young people known as Gen Z. According to the recently released Reuters Digital News Report 2022, TikTok reaches 40% of 18-24 year olds, and 15% of them use it to get their news. Tourism plays a big part on the platform as well, but the most successful travel accounts still belong to individual content creators – what we used to call “influencer” over at Instagram. How can the travel industry use TikTok to promote destinations and travel products? That’s what we are talking about today, with two people who can tell you exactly how to do it and what the benefits are – because they are already doing it! We a talking to the people behind two German TikTok tourism accounts: Visit Bremen and Köln Tourismus.

Let's Talk: Sustainability & Offsetting in Tourism | Moritz Hintze, bookitgreen & Kai Landwehr, myclimate

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Sustainability and offsetting in tourism has exceeded the phase of just being “en vogue”. The pandemic of the recent two years has made it clearer than ever before: Global warming will challenge us more and more and there is no other option than drastically reducing our carbon footprint.
The travel industry has an essential impact on nature and global warming – no wonder the need to act here is urgent. Most companies and organizations have woken up. There is now plenty of companies consulting them on how to reduce carbon emissions and also compensate them.
But is it possible to find a way to travel, to keep impact limited and still earn money as a company? This is exactly what we would like to discuss in today’s deep dive – with our guests from bookitgreen and myclimate.

What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?

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In 2016, ITB Berlin celebrated its 50th anniversary. The anniversary was the festive occasion for us to visit various destinations worldwide to thank them personally on site - under the motto "From Berlin With Love!"

50 topics or events from 50 destinations worldwide were selected as a hook for the visits, each related to tourism, politics, social issues, nature or history. 50 ITB Ambassadors (Ambassadors) from Berlin each visited a local Representative on site, with both people having a personal connection to the topic.
During the personal meeting, an interview was conducted and each was presented with an ITB Buddy Bear.

Today, we are reviving these emotional stories, true to the motto: "What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?"

Namely, we wanted to know how the Representatives have fared over the past 5 years, what they have experienced and learned, how the pandemic has impacted their work, and what their biggest wish is for the future.

Join us on this adventure!

Let's Talk: Die Rolle des Reisebüros und der Tag des Reisebüros | Thomas Bösl & Sabine Bierlein

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Bereits vor der Corona-Krise standen die Reisebüros vor enormen Herausforderungen. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung forderte die klassischen Akteure auf dem Markt immer mehr heraus. Insbesondere jüngere Zielgruppen recherchieren ihre Urlaubsoptionen immer öfter online und buchen dort mit immer größerem Anteil. Die vergangenen zwei Jahre machten es den Reisebüros nicht leichter. Die Corona-Pandemie brachte viele Agenturen an den Rand ihrer Existenz. Kaum Einnahmen standen einem erhöhten Beratungsaufwand gegenüber. Viele Reisebüros waren gezwungen, immer wieder Stornierungen, Um- und Neubuchungen für ihre Kunden vorzunehmen. Zugespitzt hat die schwere Lage ein eklatanter Personalmangel, da sich viele Angestellte beruflich neu orientierten und Nachwuchs nicht nur in dieser Branche derzeit extrem schwer zu bekommen ist. Nun kommt seit Kurzem noch ein Krieg hinzu, der zusätzlich für Verunsicherung bei Reisenden sorgt. Doch kann die Tatsache, dass die Welt von einer in die nächste Krise zu taumeln scheint, für Reisebüros auch eine Chance sein?

Let's Talk: Hiking in the middle east | Ben Hoffler, SINAI TRAIL & Marinel de Jesus, Sustainable tourism activist

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Do you want to hear an inspirational story about hiking in the Middle East?
Ben Hoffler, Co-founder of the SINAI TRAIL and Marinel de Jesus, Sustainable tourism activist who has walked the trail, will provide you with an insight into this fascinating experience and share with you the background stories about this truly community-based Bedouin project!

What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?

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In 2016, ITB Berlin celebrated its 50th anniversary. The anniversary was the festive occasion for us to visit various destinations worldwide to thank them personally on site - under the motto "From Berlin With Love!"

50 topics or events from 50 destinations worldwide were selected as a hook for the visits, each related to tourism, politics, social issues, nature or history. 50 ITB Ambassadors (Ambassadors) from Berlin each visited a local Representative on site, with both people having a personal connection to the topic.
During the personal meeting, an interview was conducted and each was presented with an ITB Buddy Bear.

Today, we are reviving these emotional stories, true to the motto: "What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?"

Namely, we wanted to know how the Representatives have fared over the past 5 years, what they have experienced and learned, how the pandemic has impacted their work, and what their biggest wish is for the future.

Join us on this adventure!

300 seconds with Luarsab Togonidze & Archil Kikodze | Folklorist & Eco-Guide| Georgia

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Explore the vibrant culture immersed in the unique nature of our Host Country of ITB Berlin 2023, Georgia:
Through this "300 seconds with.." episode, you'll meet the georgian fiction&screen writer, photographer, eco-guide, and birdwatcher Archil Kikodze talking about the country's birdwatching potential and the georgian folklorist, local collector and cultural preservationist - Luarsab Togonidze speaking about Georgian hospitality.

What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?

Download it: MP3 | AAC | OGG | OPUS

In 2016, ITB Berlin celebrated its 50th anniversary. The anniversary was the festive occasion for us to visit various destinations worldwide to thank them personally on site - under the motto "From Berlin With Love!"

50 topics or events from 50 destinations worldwide were selected as a hook for the visits, each related to tourism, politics, social issues, nature or history. 50 ITB Ambassadors (Ambassadors) from Berlin each visited a local Representative on site, with both people having a personal connection to the topic.
During the personal meeting, an interview was conducted and each was presented with an ITB Buddy Bear.

Today, we are reviving these emotional stories, true to the motto: "What's up with the ITB Berlin Bears?"

Namely, we wanted to know how the Representatives have fared over the past 5 years, what they have experienced and learned, how the pandemic has impacted their work, and what their biggest wish is for the future.

Join us on this adventure!

About this podcast

The tourism industry is full of big achievers and thrilling personalities, real travel heroes! The Travel Hero Podcast by ITB is a series of intimate talks with inspriring minds of the tourism industry about their lives, lessons learned, career tips and deep dive episodes on current trends moving the travel industry.
Happy listening!

by ITB


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