Zu Gast in dieser Folge (ausnahmsweise mal auf Deutsch), David Ruetz, Head of ITB Berlin und Bernd Neff, Founder des Berlin Travel Festivals.
Sie beleuchten die Hintergründe der Entscheid...
Kicking off this series of four episodes, Laura Schmidt (Co-Founder, elevatr), welcomes Pia and Stefan, both currently students, who share their visions about working in the tourism industry. Th...
In this epiosde we explore the untapped potential of Social Media content creation and measurement. Anja Olivieri, Regional Manager DACH at Agorapulse, shares valuable survey insights not only a...
As we all know by now, in order to combat climate change each and every person must reduce their carbon footprint. One approach is to drive forward digitalisation. However, what initially may se...
TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2020. What started as a lip syncing and dancing app, has now grown into a serious platform for information, debate and discussion. Especially for the one ta...
Sustainability and offsetting in tourism has exceeded the phase of just being “en vogue”. The pandemic of the recent two years has made it clearer than ever before: Global warming will challenge...
In 2016, ITB Berlin celebrated its 50th anniversary. The anniversary was the festive occasion for us to visit various destinations worldwide to thank them personally on site - under the motto "F...
Bereits vor der Corona-Krise standen die Reisebüros vor enormen Herausforderungen. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung forderte die klassischen Akteure auf dem Markt immer mehr heraus. Insbesondere j...
Do you want to hear an inspirational story about hiking in the Middle East?
Ben Hoffler, Co-founder of the SINAI TRAIL and Marinel de Jesus, Sustainable tourism activist who has walked th...
Are you interested in the role of females in Georgia?
Meet the literary theoretician, translator, and doctor of philological sciences, Irma Ratiani, talking about the role of women in Geor...