Travel Hero Podcast

Travel Hero Podcast

Deep Dive: Blind Date - GenZ meets Babyboomer-Generation

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In our latest ITB Travel Hero Podcast we embarked on something new. We wanted to discuss the GenZ Generation and their expectations of the workplace a created a blind date of two generations. In this engaging podcast we hear from Lea …, who’s just embarking on her career and Ingo …, who is nearing retirement age.
Not only was it fascinating to discuss how much the workplace has changed and to learn more about the next generation’s expectations and wishes for a good work/life balance, it was also encouraging to learn that many wishes of the Gen Z generation are mirrored by generations who went before.
Listen to our moderator Charlotte Lamp Davies of A Bright Approach as she introduced Lea and Ingo for the very first time and see how the “blind date” unfolded. They touched on topics including: Workspace changes, and expectations of the GenZ generation of work and the workplace. What excites them and how older generations adapt and adhere to the pace of change? From talks to reduce the work week to 4 days, hybrid working models, blended travel and expectations from the offset of the GenZ generation. Do join the conversation. Communication is key.


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About this podcast

The tourism industry is full of big achievers and thrilling personalities, real travel heroes! The Travel Hero Podcast by ITB is a series of intimate talks with inspriring minds of the tourism industry about their lives, lessons learned, career tips and deep dive episodes on current trends moving the travel industry.
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by ITB


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